Harmonizer Water, the universal matter , is the source of all life.For many years mankind have been polluting the waters of the world with toxic matter and chemicals.In spite of the use of cleansing and purification systems many of the pollutants are still left in the water that we drink. This has a negative effect on our energy and vitality.The Harmonizer is a tube that energizes and harmonizes the water.By immersing the tube in a pitcher of drinking water, energy will be added to the water and the water becomes clean enough to drink or use in the preparation of food.Put the Harmonizer in your bathtub while bathing and the added energy will strengthen your body.The pain of burns and other types of injury usually disappear when the harmonizer comes in direct contact with the injured area.Also, you can put three harmonizer tubes in a pitcher of water and place it in a room: this will bring rest and harmony to the room.
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