Pet Generator 2013 Normal Pet Generator 2013 Normal Pet Generator 2013 Normal
Pet Generator 2013 Normal Pet Generator 2013 Normal Pet Generator 2013 Normal
Pet Generator 2013 Normal
This rife hertz frequencies are effective for all kinds of infections, viruses, parasites and bacteria in animals. (Infrared and Mobiuslus) This new version is more accurate and therefore works eve

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€ 5,00

€ 285,00 *
Pet Generator 
These rife hertz frequencies are effective for all kinds of inflammations,viruses,parasites and bacteria on animals.The only thing you have to do is put it near the animal.For horses,cows and other large animals you can make a little bag and place it on the animal or hang it on the animal.The good thing is that if one uses the right frequencies just the bad bacteria are killed and not the good ones. Animals will often drink more because it is a natural way to get rid of the by-products.Sometimes it gets worse (homeopathic reaction) but this is only temporary.Of course the Pet Generator can also be used on people.This is a very easy way for your animals. We advise colloidal silver for serious diseases.Farmers use it nowadays on their cows and horses.It can also be used on cats and dogs.A lady,who is a female vet,puts it in a cage with parrots.It should be used for two hours.It can also be used longer.There is also a new and extra strong design with an infra-red light (light-frequency) and with mobiusloop.


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